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Impedance trace widths based on Bittele's standard Stackups
One of the most common inquiries that we encounter at Bittele electronics are regarding our standard trace widths for a given board thicknesses and copper weight. Our current online trace width calculator is useful for clients who need to calculate the minimum/maximum trace widths for power considerations (it considers the trace widths needed for current calculations). This article, however, will give more information on our standard measurements according to board thicknesses and copper weights for different impedance control calculations. The information below refers to our more commonly asked about board parameters, but we can also be contacted by email (info@7pcb.com) or through our live chat on our website for board thicknesses and layer counts that are not represented below.
Some basic things to note are that the impedance is affected by the trace width, board thickness and the copper weight. The larger the trace width is, the lower the impedance will be. The thinner the trace width, the more impedance is offered. Increasing the board thickness increases the impedance while reducing it will decrease the impedance. Lastly, increasing the copper weight will decrease the impedance while decreasing copper weight increases impedance.
The following images show the calculations for 50ohm and 100ohm impedances based on our standard board thickness and copper weight.
2 Layers, 31mil Stackup:

2 Layers, 31mil Single-ended Impedance Sample Calculation (50Ω):

2 Layers, 31mil Differential Impedance Sample Calculation (100Ω):

4 Layers, 31mil Stackup:

4 Layers, 31mil single-ended Impedance Sample Calculation (50Ω):

4 Layers, 31mil Differential Impedance Sample Calculation (100Ω):

2 Layers, 62mil Stackup:

2 Layers, 62mil Single-Ended Impedance Sample Calculation (50Ω):

2 Layers, 62mil Differential Impedance Sample Calculation (100Ω):

4 Layer, 62mil Stackup:

4 Layer, 62mil Single-ended Impedance Sample Calculation (50Ω):

4 Layer, 62mil Differential Impedance Sample Calculation (100Ω):

6 Layers, 62mil Stackup:

6 Layers, 62mil Single-ended Impedance Sample Calculation (50Ω):

6 Layers, 62mil Differential Impedance Sample Calculation (100Ω):

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